Welcome to the new WaltJung.org web site! This site provides access to various archived papers, plus selected WaltJung.org pages.
Linked sites are noted below:

            Jung 1958

Featured Updates:  05/16/24 This is "LEDs_as_Audio_Voltage_References_P2.pdf (an instant path to the very latest and important material).

RefsnRegs.WaltJung.org provides access to selected info on Reference and Regulator circuits, as originally posted on Waltsblog. See "A_All_RefsnRegs_Files.txt" for latest listing.

CFAs.WaltJung.org provides access to selected info on CFAs, as originally posted on Waltsblog. See "A_All_CFAs_Files.txt" for latest listing.

 Ebooks.WaltJung.org provides access to out-of-print Walt Jung books. Send email to Ebooks@waltjung.org for further info.